I ran the Philly Rock 'n' Roll on September
16th. This was originally my goal race, then I flip flopped and thought
the Philadelphia half would be, and then I flip flopped and decided this
was my goal race. Again. The reason I was contrary about it.... was
that I had done a terrible job in all my key workouts. I wanted to get
in at least a few successful speed/tempo workouts before I ran my peak
Then I realized - what Im sure everyone else
already knows - that every training cycle has its ups and downs. There
IS no perfect set of speed and tempo workouts that you can do exactly on
schedule, and at the right pace etc etc. Whether its injury, your job
or the fact that you're too busy literally shedding tears when
Christine, the blind home cook, wins Masterchef, training cycles are
always going to face interruptions.
So Philly it was.
Day before the Race
hubs and I took a bus to Philly (quick word of advice: just never ever
ever give the greyhound bus company your business). He settled into the
hotel while I checked out the expo. It had the usual stuff; people
tasting new shot block flavors like they were delicate french cheeses,
tons of faux science spouted from the lips of fresh-faced college
runners trying to sell you the latest and greatest in magic recovery
socks, and of course the line of people grabbing at handfuls of freebie
larabars, when the sign clearly marks THREE ONLY.
the rest of the day, I ignored all the advice to not walk around 6
miles the day before a race, while we went to see Independence Hall and
the Liberty Bell, me constantly reminding the hubs that I would make a
way better American citizen than him, because I had seen this stuff once
We had a late lunch due to non-aforementioned
greyhound incompetence. I ate a massive serving of french toast and
fruit for lunch, then a small amount of white rice, steamed chicken and
vegetables for dinner.
Morning of the Race
at 6am and had tons of coffee to get things moving (which they did).
[Sidenote: I love how all race recaps reference the coffee-instigating
morning bowel movements in exactly the same delicate little way when we
all know we're much more crass about it in real life].
ate a banana, a little peanut butter and two tiny bites of oatmeal. I
was worried it wasnt enough and yet I was still so full from the day
before, I figured my glycogen stores were plenty crankin'.
walked the 1.5 miles to the race as a "warm-up". Given this was only my
second half (and my longest long run has still only been 14 miles) I
didnt want to expend much more energy before the race. I got in the
queue for the portapotties, did my business, then had three
Cliff shot blocks with
some water before I went to line up at the startline. The corrals were
full, but I was able to jump in mine after people started moving
So Mile 1: extremely aggravating having to run
around people running much, much slower than me. To be fair, I am not
sure what time frames for finishing my corral was, but I highly doubt
that these people could have finished in under 1:35, which was my goal.
Mile 2: quicker at 6:50min/mile. I was
clearing people, but at this stage had already added about 0.15 to the
distance by dodging people and missing the tangents (there are a lot of
turns at the beginning of the race, when you are running through the
city streets).
Miles 3-8 went by fairly quickly, and I
stuck around my goal pace of 7min/miles. Ate one Gu in miles 5-6. Paces
were: 6:59, 7:00, 7:01, 6:58, 7:03, 7:06. I was relaxed, comfortable (I think - I dont remember any majorly agonizing pain). I looked something like this:
No Miranda Kerr, but not horrifically pissed off at life |
Mile 9: 7:25 min/mile. This wasn't uphill;
I think this was a turnaround where we faced a little wind, and I just
lost concentration.
Miles 10-11: Regained concentration. 7:00, 7:09min/mile.
12-13.1: Paces were 7:19 and 7:28min/mile. I can only say that I pushed back
my bonk for longer than
Simi Valley (which I faced at about mile 10),
and that I was just really fatigued at this point. At mile 13 I
completely lost any desire to push through and just wanted to finish.
That's when this happened:
And so began a series of some of the worst race photos I have ever seen. I don't even
remember it being as veritably horrible as it looks.
In fact, I sat here for about ten minutes trying to think
of a humerous caption for this photo, but nothing quite sums up the
agonizing distaste I am expressing for that moment of my life. [For the
record, "Ugh, I can't believe the waiter tried to convince us to pair a
pinot grigio with Beef Bourguignon last night" was one of the top
Anyway, there were about a half dozen
other of these photos, including the ones my husband took of me, all in
miles 11-13, where I was not having a good time of it. They certainly
rival Kristen's happiest
America's Finest City 5K moments.
But photos that are more painful to look at than the experience itself aside, I finished up. Not strong, I definitly died at the end and my finishing kick was more of hefty grunting shuffle, but I finished.
The BIGGEST win of the day was nutrition.
I never felt the "urge" and I was happy with how fueled I was. I think I
can do better at fueling and hydrating through the race (I barely got
any water in my mouth and only ate one GU). The other things I learned
for future races: (1) shove my way up front in the corral; and (2) learn
to run tangents.
So yeah, there are lots of reasons
why I could have gone a minute or two faster. But as with the training
cycle, there are always lots of reasons for things going wrong; that is
the nature of racing!
I am proud of my time though (cosmically I finished with the exact same average pace as
Kristen's San Diego RnR PR). Its a new PR for me (and a 10K PR too!) and as my second half marathon ever, I'll take it :)